WEEK NINE: This has been a short week because of Thanksgiving.
On Monday Tim (brother) and Maggie (sister-in-law) from California, and Phyllis (sister) from Greensburg, PA, came to check on our progress with the house. Frank had an appointment to meet his new doctor.

Tuesday was rainy. We checked the basement and found much more water had leaked in. We by-passed the urge to give the deck another coat of paint, and put plastic over it instead. I also moved my outside plants from Tonya's back porch and heeled them in beside the house.

The same PODS man was back to pick up the unit that brought it. He wished he had his rifle, because he had seen deer on his way up the drive. He had a trainee with him. This guy wasn't too swift. Before leaving the regular was glad he didn't have his gun--felt he might have used it on the trainee.

Wednesday we traveled to Ohio for Thanksgiving. We went a "new" back way, enjoying the scenery. We had an adventure on the way. Only Wava (sister), Tom (brother-in-law), and Mom were there when we arrived. Phyllis had scratched her cornea, and Tim & Maggie had taken her to the eye doctor. Leland (nephew) and family were out shopping. Visiting went on non-stop for the next day and a half. On Thanksgiving Day there were over forty of us eating together. We were able to take pictures with Mom and all five siblings, and all of us with our spouses. Tim does not come in often, so we are seldom all together.

We returned on Friday to find the back part of the basement (where our furniture is stashed) dry, but the front part still leaking because the plastic had blown loose. We stretched it out and fastened it again.
Saturday Frank made a skid, and we moved the shed over to our area.
In the evening, he started working on leveling it's final resting place.

The weather looks either wet or cold for the next week or two. We will have to wait and see what we can accomplish in December.
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