This has been a disappointing week. Since the basement floor is poured, and all the bundles of supplies are at the site, we would like to put in some work on the house. The weather, however, has not cooperated most of the week. One wet day, Frank tried to dig a trench for the electric. He used the tractor, and that didn't work. Then he either rented or borrowed another implement, but couldn't get the trench deep enough. Craig had promised to come today and dig it for us, but never showed.
Frank did get the meter box ready to go. We have no idea when the electric company will come to connect us. We do know that the work order is in and the bill is paid.
One sunny day, gravel arrived for the main lane--getting it ready for winter. It's a good time, because we should not have any more heavy equipment coming for our house. We will have another truck deliver our windows and doors plus other supplies, but that should not be as heavy as the others. The same sunny day we also received a load of gravel. Now our lower driveway looks like this.
We had visitors this week, and they weren't trick-or-treaters. They were bovines of the longhorn variety. They visited two nights in a row, and they left more than these prints! They visited both houses and messed up some of Johnya's newly sown lawn. Frank also chased them today--just before an ATV came looking for them. I think they've been moved to a new pasture, and the fence isn't doing what it should.
Our two little trick-or treaters were out last night. John and Tonya take them to a friend's house in a smaller town, and they go out a little there, as well as have a party. It was so cute yesterday. The girls were down in their room, singing, "I love Halloween!"
We were able to get a couple things done this week, in spite of the rain. We ordered a garage door. We finished laying the sill plate.
We also managed to place the permanent posts.
Little by little, our supplies are diminishing, but there are still many bundles to go. Our invitation remains open. If you want to help out, come on over. We'll find a hammer, and we still have plenty of nails!
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