Vangie gave the deck a second coat of paint.

Frank made two temporary windows.

Then he made a window well for the big window in the basement.

Vangie cleaned and applied Extend, a product that stops rust, on our four metal shelving units. Frank emptied the Gypsy Wagon onto the first one. Here are the other three after we filled them.

Collier returned to do the back filling around the house.

Frank and I worked on emptying the PODS unit and we basically moved into our house. After one Gypsy wagon load, plus what we had already taken out, it looked like this.

Perhaps seven loads later, plus some tractor runs, and a couple big trailer runs, it looked like

And our basement looked like this. See? There's still plenty of room!

Mom, it looks like you have ghosts in your basement. Be careful, because I think they leave puddles!