I continued working on my mending and started a sewing project. This I discontinued, because I decided I needed different material than I had. We still have not found my container of material that was to be "reachable" in the PODS. Monday was a nice, rather warm day, and I decided to go for a walk. In this area a walk necessitates up and down walking. I walked slowly up the field behind our building site, stopping frequently for rests. I continued on up the second field. I was afraid that my Sciatic problem would become worse. I followed the same route Tuesday, only in much less time. It seems to be what the doctor would have ordered, because I have now been off pain meds for several days!
Frank built a compost bin, leveled a spot, and set it in place. He went for more supplies, and began work on what we call the Gypsy Wagon. It is a container, built on a trailer, to house the tools while we are working on the house. Later in the week, he began building a receptacle for holding our trash down by the road.
Wednesday brought cold weather and darker clouds. Shortly before Johnyas returned home, it began to rain. It has been cold and rainy ever since. No poured basement floor this week. That doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The power company was out. Frank talked to them about temporary power while we build. He was told that since we have a structure already, save $500 and get permanent service right away! ( Isn't it grand when people help you save money??!!)
Thursday Brad came from Kuhn's Brothers Log Homes. He looked at the site, and checked out the driveway up from the road. He also took a good look at the area that is cleared down by the road. He was glad for a contingency plan in case the trucks couldn't get up the lane. We went to Lavern's for supper.
The forecast for Friday improved somewhat from 100% rain in the morning to rain beginning at 4 P.M. Johnya's contracter's brother, Ryan, came to run the LULL, a four-wheel drive, heavy duty fork lift. It was misty and moisty, but not really raining.
The trucks arrived. They tried to make the turn into the lane, but decided they couldn't make it. We off-loaded at the road. It did drizzle while we were working. That bottom area became muddy and slippery. However, we were able to off-load without incident. We brought the last load up the lane and set it up at the building site. The two skids of hardware we stashed in Johnya's garage. The rest we left down by the road until dryer weather. We invited Brad and Ryan in for hot soup and mulled cider at lunchtime. After the cold and wet, that hit the spot with all of us!
It's kind of daunting to think of needing to handle every single piece in every single bundle!
So here is our house.
Wow, I believe I'm related to a workaholic! I'm waiting for a call/signal/Anything for to come out and help with your dream. Looks great so far. I don't think Ill be able to keep up with you two but I want to try. Frank Mast of Berks