Saturday and Sunday we unpacked the rest of our belongings and began finding places for them in our bedroom and other places in our daughter's house, along with beginning the process of becoming a three generational, blended family.
On Monday Frank and Tonya went into town and secured our building permit and tax abatement. With those two items successfully completed, it was time to talk to the people who would be doing the excavation for our house. Frank worked on resetting our mail box and placing gravel in front, to make it easier for the mail carriers.
During the week he worked on building a loft in the top of the garage for storage, and adding lighting to the area and the garage itself. He leveled an area for the pod, and cleaned up around our building site. I tried to help with meals, laundry, cleaning, and the endless housewifely things that need doing every day. Frank also worked hours on the computer, as it decided not to work here. He had to reinstall every thing--every program--and reconfigure everything to get it up and running. During this time I decided to go on the blink, coming down with a cold/bronchitis type of thing that, along with medication for the sciatica, left me tired and half asleep. I even took a nap with Lauren one day while Tonya went to work!
Friday morning early the excavation company came with their big crawler backhoe and began work on excavating for our house. They worked on it Saturday and Sunday, and it is now finished and waiting for the walls to come on the 13Th. Saturday our POD arrived.
Sunday Frank and I went down to Morgantown to visit a Friend's Meeting we had been to before. They have moved to a much nicer place, and this will be an option for our worship and fellowship needs. In the afternoon we watched Jenna's soccer game. I croaked as loudly as I could for her and her team! We ate out, and later watched a movie.
This morning the building inspector has already inspected and okayed our basement foundation. I seem much on the mend. J is finishing her school work for the day. A load of clothes are drying on the line, and the plants have been watered. Everything has come together so well the first week plus of our time here. I will be eager to see what this week brings.
welcome to the blog-o-sphere!
Looks Like Fun!
Fun to see another blog! We're all excited to see the progress on the house! All of you up there on the hill--what powerhouses. I was saying to your daughter--it's amazing how much you've accomplished in only a week!