We spent three days in Eastern PA. It was good to see so many of Frank's family and friends. Someone commented that it is too bad that we wait until someone dies to get together. There was much sharing and caring, remembering, and hugging that transpired. To the usual memorial services were added a 15 minute video with pictures of Mom from childhood to the end of life, and one child, one grandchild, and great grandchild shared memories of her from themselves and their peers. I think it all gave a good picture of the vivacious, hard working, friendly, many faceted person Mom was.

We went from there to New York to Daron's place, to help him put a new metal roof on his house. First, was the removal of his old roof. Daron and Frank worked on the roof. The men were able to get all the metal on, but not some of the flashing, ridge cap, and the like before we needed to head home.

The rest of Daron's family--wife Denise and sons Benjamin and Christopher and I picked up the paper, shingles, nails, and staples that missed the dumpster. We took a magnet all around the house several times to pick up nails, staples, and screws that were dropped. Denise made scads of food to keep the men fueled and happy. I helped some, but was pretty lazy and relaxed. We went shopping, baked cookies, and went to Chris's soccer game.

Back home meant back to work. Frank finished the great room floor in the kitchen, and went on to do the bathroom and the laundry room. I cleaned up the house and found bedding for brother Glenn and his friend Ron. They slept in the house on air mattresses to take a break from their trip to Columbus, OH, and back to eastern PA.

Frank set up our new wood stove and attached the chimney.

He put cove base in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. He checked the water lines to the kitchen and laundry. He again set up the laundry sink. He installed the dishwasher.

He brought the refrigerator, washer, and dryer down from John and Tonya's garage, and installed the refrigerator.

Speed bump #1: Our dryer is fitted with natural instead of bottled gas orifices. The Maytag people are supposed to come Friday to remedy that and install the dryer.
The company sent a man to measure our kitchen cabinets. He actually made an electronic template, so that our counters could be manufactured. He came a week later than originally scheduled.
Speed bump #2: Our counters will not be delivered until November 9!!!!! We had hoped to be in by the end of this month!
Meanwhile, I keep working away at the doors, trim, and frames for the bottom of the stairs, the laundry room, and our bedroom and closet. They are sanded, stained, resanded, and ready to apply the two coats of finish.
I have also planted some bushes and plants that have arrived for fall planting, but have many more holes to dig and fill before that task is complete.

Frank also installed the hood for the kitchen stove.

We are getting so close. Momentum has been good. Regretfully, the speed bumps are slowing us down! However, this is what we see almost every morning and evening when we look out our great room windows!

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