AUGUST 16, 2010
Frank kept up his pace. He was able to dry wall the entire garage, thereby making it fire proof for one hour.

Frank kept up his pace. He was able to dry wall the entire garage, thereby making it fire proof for one hour.

He used joint compound around his work table, primed that area, and put up peg board for his tools. The inspector actually wants to see the "raw" dry wall, but Frank wanted to organize his tools. Therefore, there will be no more "finished" product until after that inspection.

He has also started working in and around the mechanical room.

Meanwhile, this is what I've been doing--either here at home, or in the hospital.

I started running a fever about a week ago. It soon was high, but I had no other symptoms. John was home on vacation last week, and he finally sent me into the hospital for some x-rays and blood work. I had pneumonia. I went to my doctor and she admitted me to the hospital. I was one sick chick. My temperature ran around 103*. They could get it down, but it would just go back up that high within several hours. (This is not fun for an adult.) I was also very dehydrated. They blasted me with IV fluids for a couple days before that problem was resolved. They had to change my meds before I left the high fevers behind. After parts of six days, I am home again, tired and weak, but feeling much better. Discharge orders? No construction work for seven to ten days!
Poor Frank! He just keeps plugging away. He hurt his right knee--the bad one--and now is at least wearing a brace.

Since not much has happened this week, I thought I'd add some other pictures.

Night on Poplar Ridge
Martin Kid Wash
We're so glad you're doing better now. Please take it easy for as long or longer than they told you! It's so good that they got you well enough to go home again!