Last Tuesday Craig finally came to bury the septic and water lines. Frank made another hole through the basement wall. Craig had a man with him who started putting the septic line together. They also brought the water line from the well to the house.

After they finished, Frank did landscaping work, making sure that rain water would drain away from the house. He also made ditches or swells to carry draining water away. He put stone all the way around the house so that mud won't splash on the walls. He then leveled out the ground. I began raking--taking out roots and stones.

Thursday Frank sowed the grass and covered it. I began to plant all my shade plants under the tree.

I also applied both coats of the clear finish to the pantry and our bedroom this past week. Now the logs, collar ties, and windows of the main floor are completed. Frank moved the tongue and groove lumber up to the car port, so I can begin finishing them. He also made some stands the right height for me to work.
Saturday, the gas people came with our tank, and hooked us up. We're ready for the furnace and air conditioning now.

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