Frank's title this past week has been Plumber. He hooked up the water heater. We were going to go with gas, but we couldn't get one--would have had to order it and wait for three weeks to a month for it. So, we went with electric. He also hooked up the "dirt" sink.

Then he worked on our lawn tractor--he was able to fix it. He mowed our lawn. By the way, see how our new grass is coming already??!!

Jason finally came late Thursday afternoon. He and Frank decided where things would go. Jason drilled a couple holes, and set the furnace in the mechanical room. We haven't seen him since.

Frank bought a shower and hooked it up. He has water to all the proper places. Now he will work on the waste lines.

Meanwhile, I finally finished sanding the tongue and groove for the great room ceiling.

We had visitors this week, Ruth and George Stoltzfus, from Utah. Ruth said that this blog is okay, but it is better to see the house in person. Ya'll come!