I finally finished sanding, including the five collar ties! I went on to staining--I did the whole Great room, including the collar ties. We like this color much better.

The old color is in the background. Can you see how the new color is less yellow? It looks like natural wood.

Frank finished the wiring. The inspector came. He wanted a couple things changed, but told Frank to go ahead and hook up the lights and outlets. He gladly started working on that. He started in the basement, and did all the lights and outlets. Onward and upward! He did the Great room, kitchen, bathroom, pantry/laundry room, then bedroom, study, and gazebo. First he did the lights and then the outlets. He ended with the fire detectors this afternoon. Yeah! No more extension cords all over the floor!

And the breaker box looks like this.

I am now working on the clear finish in the Great room. I have one collar tie and the east wall with one coat, and some places two coats. Of course, I had to sand before each coat.
I thought I would share my lily with you. We also had "window box" lettuce for supper last night.

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