Bad weather has continued. We were able to add Row 4 over the first weekend. Then we again had to adjust the tarps for bad weather.

Daisy has acquired a new friend. Can you make out what it it? It's a S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L. We can't say it very loudly, because she knows the word!
Since the forecast showed no breaks, we traveled to Kidron to visit Vangie's mother and siblings there. Mom had been ill and was slowly improving. We went to Lehman's Hardware to obtain gas lamps for John and Tonya, and lamp oil and wicks==unobtainable here because of the power outages. Wednesday was a travel day east. We stopped for a visit and an overnight with Frank's cousin Marilyn and her husband Lewis in central PA. A large storm was forecast for that day in eastern PA, so we left there fairly early in the morning, and headed for Lititz, where Frank's folks live.
Frank and sister Edna attended a meeting to discuss Mom's care. They were told that she is "declining steadily." Frank and Edna asked that she be kept comfortable. She can no longer stand, even with her walker. We spent time with Dad Thursday afternoon, then went home with Pearl for a visit, supper, and overnight. Glenn L. was home. We shared our pictures of work on the house, but couldn't find our "Snowmegddan" pictures. Glenn L. left on a motor coach assignment the next day. Pearl had a snow day off from school. Below are some of the drifts we found. We visited Dad, met a couple friends at a restaurant for lunch, and went to Weaver's store. We had quite a list of things we needed--boots, work shoes, and gloves for one or both of us. We went back to Dad's. Dad didn't want us to "bother" taking him out for a meal, so we visited Kentucky Fried. We tried to get several family members to eat with us. Some were under the weather; some had other plans, and Glenn K. was still scraping snow! Pearl and Edna were able to join us at Dad's for the chicken supper. We all enjoyed the time together.
After a short "Good bye" to Dad Saturday morning, we started back. The roads offered no trouble, but some places had a lot of the white stuff. Notice on the one picture that the snow is over half way up the door on the front of the building. We felt small going through paths not much wider than the car to get to the gas pumps. Whole parking lots were filled with snow.

Now we are again waiting for warmer and dryer weather so we can work again. Perhaps Friday and Saturday?????
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