MARCH 22, 2010
We left everything dry out last Monday. Tuesday, we were back at work. Frank took part of one log (that was bowed) off, and made another to replace it. I worked on top of Row 14. I checked to be sure that all splines and nails were in place. Frank helped with difficult splines and with the nails. Then I filled all holes (splines, nails, bolts, etc.) with Sikaflex. I cut small pieces of plastic to cover them, and keep things from getting messy. I also started covering Row 14 with plastic.
I finished the plastic on Wednesday. Frank framed the middle hexagon--our bathroom. I helped by doing some sawing and helping to hoist the walls up. Notice how blue the sky has been! All the snow has melted, too.

Thursday Frank uncovered the collar ties. We hefted them onto the deck, taking a breather between each one.
They were heavy! Frank prepared them to go up, while I cleaned up and recovered our piles of supplies. We used our scaffolds to move them one by one, and set them in place. Then they needed to be bolted down--four 12 inch lags plus one 8 inch lag in each collar tie. They are in the area where our Great Room will be, and will be seen in our cathedral ceiling. We called that a good day's

Friday Frank gave me the day off, while he put the deck on top of the bathroom. Notice the collar ties in place. Count all five. Saturday afternoon was Jenna's violin recital. She played every song in Suzuki Book I for many of her friends. Then we celebrated her Graduation to Book 2, with a feast that Tonya made.

Notice the hole for our "attic stairs" access to the cupola observation area--both before and after the deck was installed.
This week we've also reconfigured the tarps--again--to fit over the middle hexagon, and recovered everything in the basement. We bought and planted more grass seed, and Frank did some work on the lane. That seems to be a constant necessity.