MARCH 25, 2011 I wanted to show you this progress weeks ago. Frank added the fake beams to the great room ceiling. This shows before and after.

He added more lighting over the kitchen bar.

In February Frank and the girls tapped several maple trees that they had tagged before the trees lost their leaves last fall.

After the sap was gathered, we had to boil it down. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. The weather didn't cooperate very well. We needed below freezing nights and warm days to make the sap flow. The temperature was either too warm or too cold. This is the first syrup we made.

Frank built in an entertainment center. He built it by the stub wall at the top of the basement stairs. He built in our speakers at the ends. Beside them are shelves for DVD's.
In the middle are shelves for the components with a drawer at the bottom for CD's and other items.

Here it is all completed.

Next to the entertainment center he built in a boot bench. The second picture shows the bench with the top up to display storage for gloves and the like.

You can approximate the times these projects were done by the dates on the pictures.